7 concrete tips to keep fit when working from home

working from home

Working from home is an adventure that can quickly turn into a nightmare. Weight gain, lack of sleep, isolation, depression… Many self-employed people lose quality of life quickly after starting their activity.

The reasons ?

These tips are important.  Because you are the only person capable of truly taking care of yourself. And not listening to them risks doing a lot of harm to you and your business.

#1 Get up at the same time every day

#2 Change workplace

#3 Sign up for a regular sports program

#4 Replace the snack or the pizza with healthy and quick to prepare meals

#5 Take breaks

#6 Go out

#7 Separate work and personal life

#1 We all know this trap. When no one is there to blame us for our lack of punctuality.

The alarm clock rings when we had a bad night. We say to ourselves “Come on, just one more hour of sleep, it will do me good”. So we postpone his alarm clock. Or we press the Snooze button 1 time, 2 times, 4 times, 6 times. Until realizing that it is noon, and that we are still in bed.

Deep down we know that if we get up late, the next day will be even more difficult. And, after a few weeks without setting an alarm clock, you find yourself getting up at 3 p.m. to end your day at 4 a.m.

The solution is simple to keep in shape: set your alarm clock every day of the week at the same time, and stick to it. Get up even if you feel like you’re dying. To force oneself. I know it’s hard, but it will be less and less if you get into this good habit.

No need to get up at dawn. I get up every morning at 8:30 a.m., which allows me to enjoy my morning, because that’s when I’m most productive. And if I’m tired, I have a good coffee, and concentration comes.

#2 Change workplace

Working from home every day can be dangerous . Well, for sure, you’re not going to get hit by a bus. But you quickly risk isolating yourself, neglecting yourself, and losing track of time.

I advise you to change your place of work regularly if you can. Take your computer to the local café (if there’s wifi and heating, I mean), to a friend who works from home, or to a public place. You may even consider signing up for a coworking space . They are developing a lot in cities with the rise of self-employment.

Changing surroundings will encourage you to dress up, get ready, go out, walk, and meet new people first. Only good things to keep in shape as a freelancer.

If you have the opportunity, you can even consider working while traveling. You will always find places to work and you will never be bored.

#3 Sign up for a regular sports program

Working from home is not a sports exemption. Are you overwhelmed? You do not have the time ? Are you too old for sports? These are not excuses. In truth, apart from disability or illness, nothing prevents you from practicing sport, at any age, and whatever your schedule.

If you think you don’t have the time, or you lack motivation, I advise you to follow an organized program. Either by joining a gym and getting a trainer, or by using an app like FitStar or Freeletics.

I have been following the Freeletics method for several months. These are short and intense sessions (10-30 minutes) 3 to 5 days a week. The benefits are enormous.

#4 Replace the snack or the pizza with healthy and quick to prepare meals

Sometimes, when you’re immersed in your work, you just don’t feel like eating. I am not saying that we are not hungry, nor that we do not feel the need to eat. Simply, we are focused on what we are doing and we do not want to stop to cook and eat. And here is the drama. We wait, the hunger increases, and we end up ordering a pizza, going to get a Kebab, or having a McDonald’s.

The solution is of course not to throw your computer in the trash and live off your vegetable garden (although the idea may be attractive), but to take breaks.

Getting up once every hour for a short walk or exercise will have a huge impact on your long-term health and short-term fitness. It’s simple, easy to apply and the results are worth it.

#6 Go out

Just because you work from home doesn’t mean you don’t have to leave your home anymore.

If you spend your mornings, afternoons, and evenings at home, without seeing the light of day, it is very likely that you will have a nervous breakdown at the end of the month. I would have warned you.

Having a job at home is an opportunity to get out of the metro-work-sleep spiral, and to have new activities. You can take advantage of your flexible hours to register for a dance class, a neighborhood association, or events organized in your field of activity.

Even if it’s not always easy, you have to try not to isolate yourself. Make efforts. Get out of your comfort zone and meet people. Getting invited to parties. Stay open and sociable. It is important for physical and mental health.

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